pRiNcEsS sOpH~


ARGH........DIE DIE DIE!!!

OMGOSH!! screwed TO THE MAX!! seriously and no its so not funny... I FAILED MY JAP EXAM!! not surprising... heh seriously i did NOT know what on planet earth i was doing and i so SCREWED that HARDCORE not funny... cant believe jv didnt even know what she was doing and only did like 5 questions on her exam and got an A PLUS!! that is ridiculous!! and i ever so wish i could do that... man... see jv... that why you should concentrate more on your studies instead of the oh-too-many boys that you have...


excrusciating (cant spell that) is THE new word... not really tho... but its a pretty rad word... well me and lucy reckon anyways... heh

what happened today?? as you might have already figured... had two exams on the same subject!! how exciting!!i cant wait... oh yeah thats right... like so NOT!! never... and guess what subject its in?? my favourite subject JAP!! like NO WAY... man i so stuffed that its no funny joke and yes no matter how much vonnie and song try to comfort me no its not going to work coz i know i so totally FAILED it!! hardcore stuffed it TO THE MAX!! and i so am not looking forward to the day when i finally get my results back... see ron?? i am no not a geek and as if i ever would be... not even nearly close enough...

*sighs* just glad that i got it over and done with though... now thats half of my jap done.. yay!! *celebrates by dancing and singing really loud around the house* and how fun theres still the speaking exam and the listening which i will fail even more.. if thats possible... glad that the second semester doesnt count towards your academia award... heh... and thats what ive figured... putting the subjects that you dont like and the subjects that your not so good at increases your chances of getting an academic... not that i will ever get another one anyways...

you see taehwan?? not everyone is like you... with photogenic memory and a what?? fifth brain like you... people like me have maybe the first brain?? and not everyone is like you... never missed a jap lesson of a thing balfour puts on the board... people like me are not people like you okies?? get that right and straight into your brain... gosh i so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so s o dont get why a person like you DID NOT GET AN ACADEMIC AWARD?? seriously i was thinking like maybe they accidentally put my name instead of yours coz i so did NOT deserve it and you actually did... sighs* nothing makes sense anymore...

man theres stupid english and sose... gosh i dotn even know how to start my assignment for sose... cc i need you... your is so good... i dont see why she gave you a b... did you know that she copied seriously like 50 million copies of you assignment and handed it out to the whole class (well not hand out but free for everyone to take and theres enough of it)... well obviously only as an example duh... btw can i copy it?? please i beg you *weeps dramatically* ... oh and what a coincident?? we are doing the same topic and policies!! stupid policies gosh its not like i CARE A TINSY BIT... gee couldnt they have a more interesting topic that actually relates to people our age and that we will actually find something interesting about the topic or whatever??

and yes anyi thanks for the slice of heaven... mmm... serious chocolate that was... o and amy... remind me when your birthday is coz im getting you some serious aero caesar... CCCCBBBBBDDDDDD... central business district that is...

haha... no offence or anything but NAT + GRAMMAR = UNBELIEVABLE!! seriously... but how is she a traitor though? i dont get it... *sniff sniff*

haha and ya "oh i wish i was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair... seventy seven and sixty nine when revolution was in the air..." OMGOSH someone please take that song off the charts if its still on and delete it from the whole world and everyones memory!! gee its so excrusciatingly ANNOYING!! I HATE IT!! TO THE MAX STEPH... hi 5 actually hi 10 it should be...

and yes i have to agree that was seriosuly piggin out with steph at buffet garden on sunday!! never eaten so much ever in my whole entire life (hmm that reminds me of mins historic timeline of her life... its actually quite tragic that was... note to self: tell canDICE that shes really mean and that it wasnt very nice to laugh at min and draw the timeline at all... but hey i laughed too... oops) seriously got home and was like OMGOSH DIE DIE DIE... seriously piggin out... o and i have to show you steph my magnificent all-in-one err... thing?? that i created with some helpful pointers from christle... man it actually looks nice... o and i added in a umm ingredients list (coz you wouldnt really call it recipe coz all you do is add the ingredients in and TADA there you go...) gotta show you... its classic AS...

haha the night before last night was serious GOLD!! man got me laughing til i was a heap on the floor... prolly anyone that saw me like that wouldve been like WHAT THE?? *unexplainable expression on face* man that was serious CLASSIC TO THE MAX... soooooooooooooooo GOLD!! you know what im talking abotu steph...^^

what a nice song steph... the pre-xmas mood kicking in already hey?? its awesome AS... so rad...

and paul... whats wrong with sitting on the floor of a train?? seriously its not like youve never dont that... coz you have!! ive seen you so thats proof... and i was letting the terrace dood through and that lady aswell... what else could ive done seriously... coz if i stood up i wouldve went WAMMO right into them people!! so the most i could do was to kinda compact-ise myself so that its easier for them to get through... and haha did you hear taehwan when he was going through?? he goes "dont life your knees up!!" hehe thats funny... but it was more so a moment thing... heh

haha jacki... AVATAR ROCKS HARDCORE!! yay... thursdays coming nearer and the good news is that am pretty sure that my lessons changing from thursday arvos to wednesday arvos yay!! but for the people who watch blue water high that is no good news... not that i watch it... just happen to know when its on... heh...

bui and his texts... man that was funny... i was laughing so bad that night... and *gasps* how could you blame it on me you idiot (oh and sime your so gay and such an idiot) as if it was my fault that SOPH didnt get your stupid text!! seriously... gee its YOUR fault that you send it to the WRONG number and your fault ONLY!! and i have to admit... she is pretty desperate if shes asking YOU to tutor her!! man thats pretty extreme of her... no offence that is...

so shouldve came to bs and shared that on there to EVERYONE!! i wanna come... but if ide come last night i wouldnt known nothing on my exam today... it was coz of my hard work that i knew eggactly what i was doing for err.. 2 questions in both of the exams... and if i hadnt studied all night i wouldve known them... you see... so i couldnt help it...

*sighs* i should really get on with my work... *sighs dramatically* again... btw just to make a statement (or two maybe) 1. THAT I SO TOTALLY UNFUNNILY NOT HILARIOUSLY FAILED MY JAP EXAMS (that includes reading and writing) 2. WHATEVER IT IS THAT WE ARE DOING IN HUM HAS NO RELATION WHAT-SO-EVER WITH PEOPLE OUR AGE OR ANY INTEREST OF US (as far as i can see that is... and thats pretty far...) 3. I AM SO SICK OF SKOOL AND SO WANNA JUS GET OUT OF IT... and heres the major one...


anyways... bai... so emotional..



so hot today... and im still in pjamies and wearing my fluffy shoes even when its seriously like 50 degrees celsius... (cant spell that) this weeks been pretty much bludge and poo and everything... nothing much happened except for the two days that should be marked down in history and seriously... its so amazing!!

well... y should it be such a remarkable day?? coz i said so... not really... well the number one reason is that OMGOSH we were in maths on thursday and friday and guess what?? we were learning my favouritest thing in the world ALGEBRA!! and you know what its simplifying and expansion!! and also the NULL FACTOR LAW!! omgosh its so the boringest thing ever on the face of this planet!! and wait... it gets better... apparently the null factor law and this other thing we were learning in actually gr 11 B mathematics!! and hang it there... u know what?? I ACTUALLY GET IT AND CAN WORK IT OUT!!! omgosh so happy coz of that... dont know why tho... its just maths and the part i hate most - algebra!! i actually get it!! so amazing!! never before have i ever understood anythign in the fact tracking program since i started it!! well not really i get some things... and now?? i get them all... thank God for this!!

hmm... happy birthday lea!! and hope you have a sweet fun filled birthday full of laughter and err joy?? haha have fun at ur party and sorry i couldnt go... so you ppl didnt end up going to pulse??

was talking to cat the other day (btw cat is joanne) anyways... and what were we talking about?? none other than the fact that everything and absolutely nearly everything is hectic as and the world is going crazy!! it may sound like we 're completely emo and whos knows what we are up to at the moment... plannign for the next suicidal like ben?? i dont think so... but it is actually a fact that everything is so hectic and things are so out of control and strange (well nearly everythign anyways) wont go into detail about what specifically we were talking about but yea jus the outline would do ( and steph i think you know why...)

maths exam on the 30 of november?? i think it is?? so gonna die in that one... and have a guess what its about?? its about my favourite ALGEBRA AND PROBLEM SOLVING!! yay... like so not more like... i know i said that i didnt want to be in fact track even though if i got choosen for it... its kinda like the onlyway that will help me get better at maths and everythign... coz dad and all these other people keep on insisting that im really good at maths and all that stuff and that if i work hard i'll be so pro at maths and everything coz im this and that at maths... ok i dont think any one got that... well what i mean was that people including dad keeps saying that im so good at maths when im so like not!! and everything... and like if i wanna get better i have to stay in fast track coz the normal class (no offence and even demi and all these other people in my maths class said so ) is too easy... you can basically get an a by jus looking through the notes the night before and kinda listen in class and make the teacher think your a good girl... basically thats it...

at first i didnt get the whole null factor thing and all these algebra weird things and i said to mr moran "do you realise that this is torturing my brain and that i am seriously sufferign from this??" well its not actually that bad once you get it but when you dont get it?? its so not pretty... and guess what his answer was?? " fast tracking is designed to push you to the limit of your brain and even more so to expand the unused part of it" what an answer?? nearly made me choke...

*sighs* i thought of someting gud to post about... but i forgot now and so i'll jus stop typing now and concentrate on chatting on msn!! so addictive... not really ...

skool nites gonna rock!! and min you better get yourselves a lift and get cha here tonite in your skool uniform including BLACK SHOES!! and bring jin to...

baibai ~ chu ~


laughter is THE bestest medicine eva...

doof... steph and anna get me cracking to THE maximmest ever... with what u said on msn yesterday... btw today is the 8th of november 2006... seriously... that was classic!! (and you should know what im talking about steph...)

man... for crying out loud I DO NOT BLOCK PEOPLE!! and i have never blocked anyone!! the most i've ever done is remove someone from my contact list and that is the maximumest ever!! and btw that was by accident... so naturally i added them back later... and why would i block anyways?? no reason is there... plus its not my fault that ur msn doesnt work properly... get it fixed soon and stop falsely accusing me... coz me friend was like "oh ur so nasty, u block people" and im like *jaw drop* NEVER!!

the weather is so retarded today... this morning was like the hottest ever... me and kelly were walking from the bus this morning and we were seriously dying of being overheated... literally... twas so drowsy and hot and then this arvo it started going all gloomy and dark and everything... last period was music and man it felt like it was at night... and then on the train it was so dark and everything...

had a good time sussing you out today jess!! got to know more about your multiple boyfriendZ!! haha... seriously... you should've seen your own reaction... so funny... ok jus admit that you have been multiple dating and that you have more than one boyfriend!! theres no harm in telling the truth is there?? and plus you'll need to keep me and hamon updated coz u have too many flings and ur boyfriendZ keeps changing constantly... so remeber to fill us in on all the details and everything!!

i was going to blog yesterday and i had this post already... but then i couldnt coz something happend... cant remember... so i'll jus fill in a lil bit about yesterday...

saw hongi today... at the bus station at south bank this morning... i was already late coz chalie told me that the buses were delayed coz some person got runned over at the cultural centre... unbelievable... and so apparently all the buses were lined up at the cultural centre coz there were some cleaning up to do... gross as... and then i saw him and i was lyk what are you doing here?? and his lyk waiting for a friend... waiting for a friend at like 9 16 when form had already started?? what i nice friend... and then we were talking and he randomly popped up with " i was waiting for her and i thought it was like 8 30 so i kept waiting" and i was like called silly?? and then he goes so i guess she ditched me... and i was like ur pretty right u realise... so random... its time to get a watch!!

oops... i just realised i havent done my sose hw... which was supposed to be done in class yesterda... oops... better go do that now... actually... i have time in double form tomoro... need something to do in that time!!

and everyone!! attention please!! come on the 11 of nov coz its skool nite!! yay...

chu~ soph~


what a score!! 1160 word blog post!! thats one thousand one hundred and sixty words on a blogger blog post!! anyways beat cha steph... never mind tho... there will always be more classics to post about... eg. nessy poo and the castle and capsicum and that moldy green-ish goop stuff backgrounds!! omgosh i forgot to put that in my mega post!! then it wouldve been lyk 1360 words or so... surprisingly i can still babble on and on even tho all the stuff thats been said is in the last blog... well so far anyways... but... i cant coz i have to go shower now and then mummy says i have to get a gud nites rest so i can wake up early tomoro!! y would i wanna anyways... gosh...

well bai for now ~chu~ sOpH~


ok i did say that i would try and beat steph record of a 1000 word blog post but... hmm i havent got anything to rattle on and on about at the mom... but then again i never do i jus start typing and then it goes on and on and then it doesnt end and then theres a huge long post of mine... and maybe i should start paragraphing stuff aswell... hmm...

it was so cold yesterday how it rained and everything and then today is lyk scorching HOT... serious... dying of heat in this room... y is my house always either freezing cold or hotter than an oven?? someone give me an explaination...

anna and her "i found a stick" that is seriously funny... and she makes it so funny and its so much lyk eskimo bob... haha... i actually watched it... its so lame but funny... just too bad i have no interest in stuff i think is lame... which would explain it very well... but the thing is that u'll only get it once u've seen anna do it and actually get whats going on...

man... so weird... all that sooooo emotional stuff... its strange how they arent coming any more coz lyk for no reason (that i no of or anyone for that matter) they're jus not coming... and how anna said it took so long to say the bye and how it was their last time to come to youth... no offence or anything but if they didnt lyk it from the start y did they stay for so long and came all this time?? so confused...

apparently i have fwends coming from other skools to come to state high... dunno... coz i've heard all this stuff about how fwends or fwends fwends are coming or something... hmm... i wonder...

man... i made a caramel and choc slice the other day... wait it was friday coz i didnt go to skool for a good reason... it looks really nice and its actually quite ok... jus that its so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sweet it aint funny... gosh... but i guess i followed an all auzzie recipe which would explain why its so unbelievably sweet... hmm... well i guess u cant take the sugar out of the slice now can u?? well if u find a way to do that... tell me coz i need to know...

dood... simon is soooooooooo GAY... now that u mention it steph... he is super gay... saying hi to all my fwends on our way to boost after that hideous theory exam... which was my excuse for not going to skool that day... mmm... ya saying hi to all these randoms that ur passing by and guess what?? my fwend the one that u asked for her last name memba?? she was talking to me on msn and she was lyk y did u wanna do my last name and im lyk o... coz umm... my fwend knows ur sis and shes lyk which sis and i was lyk vicky the one in gr 10 thats supposely in sime's form i think... ya c wat u've done?? u made ppl question me and think im weird... well not really coz she was lyk ooooooo i c... actually i already knew her last name jus that i reckon u werent saying it right so i was lyk i think thats not how u say it so thats y i asked her coz she knows hoe to say it properly...

y are some ppl just so predictable and some are just so unpredictable... its weird coz sometimes u can so guess what the person is gonna say next and lyk u know eggactly whas gonna happen and everything... but sometimes the person is so unpredictable with the way they act and the things they say... (steph u should already have enough evidence to figure out who or what im talking about...) and its so scary aswell... umm and yes its very complicated as ppl say "life is a complicated thing, many things are not as simple as they may appear" and i find that so true for the state im in at the moment... not that im complaining or anything... just that describes it pretty well and basically thats my life... well so that i know and am aware of anyways...

its also so true that people say "people come in and out of ur life, but only friends leave footprints in ur heart" that is so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so TRUE... coz... *sigh* its hard to explain... so i mite just leave that part out of this post thats going on forever... not really though...

anna when she said that sooo emotional stuff... actually quite funny... coz she goes soooo emotional when he walked over and im lyk ANNA IM GONNA KILL U and was lyk half killing her while laughing but anyways what was funny was coz she said it in a funny voice coz she was lyk lookign straight ahead and jus saying soooo emotional in a sooo unenthusiastic voice and so not alive if u get me and then all of a sudden i looked over at her and we both bursted out cracking up... and then co lin ah was sitting next to me and was lyk oh sooo emotional after lyk 5 seconds and he didnt even know what was going on and everything... and the this morning the subject was brought up again and anna was lyk he took so long to come and say bye... and he said it just to u and im lyk ha NO!! coz he wasnt... and anna insisted so ya...

using stephs catch phrase (not really) did i tell u or did i tell u i saw uncle bernard today... well the story was that i went shopping for leas bday pressie and i was coming out of this shop and uncle bernard and esther i think it was were there on one of those pay and ride things that bob up and down and wobble side to side which in my knowledge should scare lil kiddos off it but no... they love it.. surprise surprise and u no wat... i always see uncle bernard and wife around garbo... hmm maybe they live near me...

anyways too much rattling... i much go to the shops and go find my fwend a bday pressie in time... and if im unfortunately enough (coz of this stoopi ankle thing) i mite have to give her a late bday pressie... im so sorry lea but i cant help it...

well heres a total summary of life at the moment= weird and hectic!!
total summary of me= confused and so not in the mood for exams...

baibai for now ~sOpH~ chu~


aiya... steph... ur so much lyk a mummy to me... seriously telling me that skool is essential for my future and that i shouldnt wag when im not... and i have a note... and not to wag theres good reasons for it... i assure u... anyways... so boring... still in pjamies at this time of the day... shame... actually as my friend said... whats the point of changing if ur not gonna do anything else but stay home and go on the net or something?? u see thats why i havent bothered coz i no i'll change later coz im going to church and thats why i didnt change this morning after brekkie and after i'm done with all the brushing of teeth and washing of face... anywas moving on... and who says that my blog is hard to read other than steph?? gosh i already try to type proper as much as i can... im trying hard cant u see?? wait u cant... well just to let u no i am trying hard to typr proper so that u can read properly... arent i nice or what?? *sigh* so boring and theres nothing to do... been on msn, finished chatting to ppl and dont feel like doing more of that, already went on bebo and did stuff there and read the mail there and posted stuff there, already checked mail in hotmail and finished it all and theres 2 more which i cant be bothered to sign in again to check... am doing my post on this and theres nothing else to do... *sigh* its really not my fault that i had to be away on wednesday and friday... wednesday u were waggin with me so u got nothing to say for urself on that... friday?? i have a special reason thats too painful to share im sorry... seriously it hurts a bunch... *sighs again* i think i mite go dinner now... it mite be ready?? hmm... i wonder... wait... oh i think it is... well i shall go eat my daily and earthly food now and that will give me strength and fill me up to the maximumest est so ya... baibai~ sOpH~


man such bludge... so boring and i have lyk 50 million pages of jap to do... and i dont get the whole deal with time and everything... been missing out on so much skool and jap and maths and drama lately... not that im waggin... jus that theres been stuff that ive had to go to and places to be at and ppl to be with... but i have permission for all this stuff so its ok... steph "parents permission to wag" ha not really... dood such relieve to get the theory exam done and ova with... i feel lyk i can breath and guess wat "NO MORE THEORY!!" actually ya there is more to come... gr 4 and 5 *sigh* tragic... so not fair coz kc has lyk 4 days of uni left and song has wat 14 days and how many do i have?? lyk another 6 weeks or so!! and then exam weeks are coming and man i dont no a thing... partly coz i havent been paying attention in classes... not all tho only some where theyre really boring... lets c... theres a music assignment, a sose report slash essay coming up, a english report slash essay about some stoopi computer game which i couldnt care less about, a maths exam on the 2 most hateable things on this planet guess wat?? its algebra and problem solving!! FUN FUN FUN!! o yes ( LYK SO NOT ) and then theres drama assessment where we're making up a visual story telling play slash narrative thing to perform to the childs at west end, and then theres another music assessment and wats it on?? singing some stoopid folksong that has really bad words that we always crack up on... and then i think thereslyk 5 jap exams... something lyk reading writing speaking and all that other stuff and then i cant remember the rest of them... either that i dont no about them or i have no clue... ha it was so funny today... coz its the grade 12s last day b4 block and lyk they all brought cameras and shirts for fwends and ppl to sign and everything ... to leave memories... *sigh* and then we were in sose and the sub went next door to ask slash talk to the old fat woman next door and he went through the door in the classroom... so lyk it was still open and so i peeped inside coz we were all doing nothing... and then the whole class next door was lyk signing shirts and snapping away and some random 12 saw me and goes hey kiddo and im lyk hi and the his lyk u wanna sign ma shirt?? and i went okies chuck it here and i need a pen... so i signed his shirt and i was asking my fwends wat to rite on it coz i didnt even no his name and everything... lyk u see them around coz of my fwends they hang around him so ya... but then i signed it and then chucked it back... ha it was so random... and then its so tragic today... *sigh* its a long story and everything so ya