pRiNcEsS sOpH~


dood...spent all tha effort copying and pasteing in links to other ppls blogs and sites and blah and theres this annoymous space between steph and the rest of the ppls...*weeps dramatically* so isolated and it makes my heart ache to see tha... not really... jus weird... coz the coding is all rite and everything jus theres this annyymous space and stephs and emp youth sites links r a diff colour?? duno y either... so strange...

one of the boringest days of skool not fair coz heidi has lyk 6 weeks of this term which is lyk 5 weeks and 2 days from now and wat do i have?? lyk 10 weeks which is lyk 9 weeks and 2 days from now?? very helpful.... *sighs* so much suffering and pain with the assignments that i always leave to the last minute which i hate doing but i always do somehow... and i mean always... and lyk mean and grumpy and bad tempered teachers man its hard work... aiya... wat else to rite?? i dont know...anyways...apparently i have lyk 50 million comments on bebo but i havent checked them...u no y?? coz i forgot my password and i cant b bothered to click on the forgot password button and then they'll sent u something to ur box and then u have to check annoying... i find that i dont forget my password for anything else but bebo... maybe coz i dont go on as often as other things... duno dont waste brain power on stuff such as these... not worth it...


and it was not lyk 5 04 am when i posted tha last was lyk 10 04 more lyk....

man.....this thing actually works...unlike spaces coz they take up so much thing and its so slow to load everything......ha and then u type a million things which took u forever and then u try to post it and then it freezes...i think it mite jus b my comp tho.....coz it aint tha great....good enuf....but not eggactly lyk light speed and tired now....mite go and have a shower and then watch tv and go to bed....i think thas cool way to sort my overused brain out for 2nite anyways.....nite...sweet dreams....btw im gonna kill u song....really...serious this time.....xoxo~soph~ chu~......